Now just what is similar about these cards?
At first glance that is a major mystery, BUT it's
what has been used to create the background.
On both cards Tattered Angels Glimmer Mists
has been used to make a
shimmery almost glowing background.
Yes! This product is so much fun
to play with.

The bottom card is a little different.
A brass stencil was laid over a 4.25 x 5.50 piece
of card stock. Now mist the darker spray over
the whole. Remove the stencil, very carefully
as spray is still wet. Let dry and mist again
with a lighter spray.
As an added use, place a piece of card stock
over the still wet stencil and gently press.
You will have a negative image!
What fun! Once you start, you will not be
able to stop experimenting.