This card may look really hard, but it's not.
The musical score is an embossing folder.
I brayered black ink over the entire embossed piece.
It was then trimmed to just the embossed part.
Why a company would make an embossing folder that was
NOT A2 size is beyond me and does limit the
number of their embossing folders that I purchase from them.
The trimmed piece was then attached to black card stock.
Perfect Layers rulers were used to make the
black border the same on all four side.
The scripture was done in Paint Shop Pro X,
printed on white card stock and cut with
a scallop cutter, then mounted on black card stock
and again the black was trimmed to a narrow border.
The Just a note, again done with PSP X, was
punched with a tag punch, ribbon fed through
the hole and all attached to black card stock
that was cut with deckle scissors.
Neat - gives me some good ideas!!!! Thanks.