Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Yesterday we had a raging blizzard all day long. There were periods of time when we had white out conditions.
Definition of white out - when driving you can't see the front of your car.

My husband came in this afternoon and told me to get the camera to take some pictures of the tree row and the odd drifts that had resulted from the high winds.

MacDuff the Scottie in the snow. He thought it was such a lark to play in the snow. Here you see a typical Scottie stance. So intense and alert.

The snowdrifts are fantastic sculptures in white. MacDuff definitely enjoyed investigating every nook and cranny in the whole tree row.


  1. Wow, awesome pics, Shelly! And I love that you named him MacDuff. Is that after the children's books?

    BTW - I still remember sledding on those hills!

  2. He was not named after the book, which I have never seen, but will find someday. He was named MacDuff because he looked like a MacDuff. He is hilarious. Scotties can be so SERIOUS and then switch to silly. Those hills are dry dry dry. Wish we had enough snow to sled. It is desperately needed

  3. Shelly - Here's a link to the McDuff books. I LOVE these books - so cute!

